The Future of AI-Driven Strategic Foresight: Insights from Experts
Our team of futurists took the stage as guest speakers at a Foresight Europe Network event, where the foresight community gathered to explore the future of strategic foresight in an increasingly AI-driven world. Here are the highlights.
Fake News 2.0
Williams College wrote code that uses a type of machine-learning algorithm to create art that is practically indistinguishable from “real” art. The technique can also be applied to videos and other images—which makes us wonder: How will we be able to tell what's real from what's not in the future?
Fake News
Fake News appears as a red stamp on a Russian state website suggesting that many Western news items are `fake´. President Donald Trump claims that several news printed, aired or released online by well-established American news media are fake. The label `fake´ is used by those in power to undermine news media that do not support their political agenda or may have critical views.