Empowering the explorers and shapers of the future
It all begun from the future.
Futures Platform was founded by a group professional futurists. Experts that had already a long tenure in helping organisations to understand how the world is going to change. – And a strong vision to making these insights more accessible and digestable.
Futures Platform’s team of futurists works 24/7 to identify and analyse drivers and phenomena that will change the world.
The concepts of foresight and forecasting often get mixed. They are closely related, but have a very important difference.
Forecasting is either extrapolating the present trends into the future or otherwise trying to make precise predictions about the future, usually related to a specific context. Forecasting is important, and it has its uses.
Foresight, on the other hand, is about understanding how the future could unfold in a systematic and holistic way, and maintaining future preparedness thereof. It’s about continuously scanning around on a broad range and asking “what ifs”. This, is what Futures Platform is all about.
Our goal at Futures Platform is to make foresight accessible, easy and practical for organisations, and empower teams to work with the future in a wide range of use cases - from strategic planning to product development, innovation and risk management.
We bring foresight into action with a unique blend of a digital, collaborative foresight solution and continuous support from our foresight experts. Our team of futurists monitor all industries and society at large to keep our foresight database up-to-date. Our technology team continuously develops our digital foresight solution based on our clients' needs so that teams can easily collaborate and build a shared understanding of the future.
We believe that foresight should be a continuous activity in a constantly changing world- and we provide you with the cutting-edge foresight tools and expertise to shape the future to your advantage.
The future can be yours!
Get to know our strong
Transparency, honesty and openness are keys to our success. We believe in integrity and responsibility as the key principles in everything we do. Communicating openly and efficiently with our clients and end-users enables us to ensure the best possible product roadmap and to challenge any prevailing assumptions on the market on a continuous basis.
We are ambitious and passionate about what we do. We are curious, and our people are empowered to think big and outside the box. We feel no limits and have no fear of failure. Futures Platform is global by design. We operate globally and have a global audience.
We love what we do and enjoy working together. Humility, empathy and fairness are in our genes. We value diversity and each of our team member’s unique qualities. Together we give a good example of future awareness and social responsibility to everyone. Futures Platform is a humane, service-oriented and client-driven company.
We take the future into account in all our decisions to anticipate change and contribute to sustainable development. The VUCA world is an opportunity waiting to be explored and utilized, but we need to be fast and proactive. We embrace challenges because we want to become the best we can be. And we feel the impact of future foresight in our work every single day.