Rebuilding Ukraine: Four Future Scenarios
The cost of Ukraine's reconstruction stands at a staggering $486 billion—and climbs higher with each passing day. Timely decisions on investments, workforce, and resources will define the nation’s post-war recovery and long-term future.
A New Home For Us
Elon Musk has published a paper entitled "Making Humans a Multi-planetary Species," where he argues for the necessity of colonizing Mars and how we could possibly get there. There are several companies pushing for a "space economy," which could spark new industries and, if successful, open up hundreds of billions of dollars into the "multi-world economy”.
Looking for an Alternative to That Glass of Wine?
The alcohol industry is used to competition but not so much to disruption. It has some of the most devout followers and healthiest profit margins of any industry. But some people are trying to bring change to the industry, whether by creating wine in a laboratory or by getting rid of alcohol entirely. Are their efforts being rewarded?
Is the Hyperloop Coming to the Nordics?
The company Hyperloop One announced the semi-finalists of their challenge: to make a good case for how the Hyperloop track might generate economic growth, development, and change the way people live and work in their region. Among the routes was the 90-kilometer journey between Tallinn and Helsinki. But is this happening any time soon, in the Nordics or around the world?