The war in Ukraine, three years on: Which scenarios still stand?
In 2022, we outlined four possible futures for the war in Ukraine. Now, three years later, as new geopolitical realities emerge, it’s time to reassess which scenarios still hold and what the latest developments mean for Ukraine, Russia, and the West.
Game Over for Nation States?
Ray Kurzweil, one of the world’s leading inventors, thinkers, and futurists, stated in a recent interview that we are going to witness the end of the nation-state as we've known it. He believes that the elementary particles of the classical world order are about to change as technology will keep on making our borders less and less relevant.
The Millennial Generation
How will an entire generation shift impact the future? The Millennials seem to have different views on how they want to consume, work and live. Integrating their views into your organisation’s plans and culture can generate real value for customers and make your working life compatible with 2020.
Mid-Sized Cities Prosper
The social and economic power of millennials will increase remarkably during the coming years. Currently, it seems that major cities in the U.S. might be at risk of losing the competition over millennials to their mid-sized counterparts, and big cities all over the world are expected to face the same challenge in the future.