Rebuilding Ukraine: Four Future Scenarios
The cost of Ukraine's reconstruction stands at a staggering $486 billion—and climbs higher with each passing day. Timely decisions on investments, workforce, and resources will define the nation’s post-war recovery and long-term future.
Why "The Last Mile" Matters
Last-mile delivery usually refers to the transportation of goods from a transportation hub (such as a warehouse) to the final destination (consumer's homes). It might not sound like an area that particularly favors a lot of innovation – but it does. In this article, we explore why it matters.
The Port of the Future
About 90% of the world's commodities are carried by the international shipping industry, annually. Liner shipping also transports around USD 4 trillion of goods yearly. There are more than 8,000 thousand of ports in over 200 countries worldwide. Here are their current challenges and future trends.
Electric Semi-Trucks
Nikola Motor Company has revealed their Semi Truck runs on hydrogen and electricity. Tesla will reveal their electric-only version in September. While electric goods transport is easier to realise for short-range distances, manufacturers face the challenge of organising recharge or refuel stations on long-distance routes. How ecological will electric semi-trucks be, if the infrastructure they require is massive?