The war in Ukraine, three years on: Which scenarios still stand?

In 2022, we outlined four possible futures for the war in Ukraine. Now, three years later, as new geopolitical realities emerge, it’s time to reassess which scenarios still hold and what the latest developments mean for Ukraine, Russia, and the West.




Future Trends Gökce Sandal Future Trends Gökce Sandal

2022 Recap: 5 Trends that Shaped the Year

2022 was a year of great upheaval and change, with a series of political and economic crises that will reverberate for many years to come. Looking back to the year, our team of futurists highlight five trends that shaped the trajectory of 2022 and will continue to shape the future.

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Future Trends, Challenging the Obvious, Economic Foresight Eljas Aalto, Henrik Södergrann Future Trends, Challenging the Obvious, Economic Foresight Eljas Aalto, Henrik Södergrann

Will population decline bring the global economy to a halt?

Population growth rates are stagnating in many countries around the world, but the economics of a declining population is still uncharted territory for modern economic theory. How will our growth-based economic systems fare when the population declines?

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COVID-19 Max Stucki COVID-19 Max Stucki

The Geo-Economic Impact of Coronavirus

The current pandemic has shown that global supply chains are highly sensitive to disruptions in times of crisis. It is possible that sooner or later the Western countries will start to repatriate at least the most critical supply chains from abroad. The key driver behind the repatriation is to ensure the security of supply. However, in some cases, economic benefits may play a part as well.

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