The war in Ukraine, three years on: Which scenarios still stand?

In 2022, we outlined four possible futures for the war in Ukraine. Now, three years later, as new geopolitical realities emerge, it’s time to reassess which scenarios still hold and what the latest developments mean for Ukraine, Russia, and the West.




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City Self-Sufficiency

Do we start to see cities becoming more independent from the national states? Self-reliant cities could potentially produce up to 30% of the energy, food, water and good it consumes. Can cities provide for itself and become less dependent on the states?

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Future Trends Max Stucki, Trey Tran Future Trends Max Stucki, Trey Tran

City States – The Wave of the Future?

Nowadays, we have Singapore, Monaco, and the Vatican as the modern independent city-states; whereas cities such as Hong Kong, Macau, and Dubai are autonomous cities - independently functioning with their own governments but are still part of larger nations.

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Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen Future Trends Bruno Jacobsen

Are Modular Homes the Future?

The modular home isn't a new concept. Look at any long-term construction site, military complex, or industrial space, and you are likely to find a few. Could they also serve as the future homes for a rapidly growing human population?

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