The war in Ukraine, three years on: Which scenarios still stand?
In 2022, we outlined four possible futures for the war in Ukraine. Now, three years later, as new geopolitical realities emerge, it’s time to reassess which scenarios still hold and what the latest developments mean for Ukraine, Russia, and the West.
Fake News
Fake News appears as a red stamp on a Russian state website suggesting that many Western news items are `fake´. President Donald Trump claims that several news printed, aired or released online by well-established American news media are fake. The label `fake´ is used by those in power to undermine news media that do not support their political agenda or may have critical views.
Is the Internet Broken?
A key inventor of the WWW, Tim Berners-Lee is concerned about the current state of the Internet. According to Berners-Lee, three trends threaten the Internet; people have lost control over their personal data, misinformation spreads fast, and political advertising lacks transparency.